
The National Home Education Research Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization specializing in research, facts, statistics, scholarly articles, and information on home education. NHERI was founded in 1990 by Dr. Brian Ray and others and Ray/NHERI have published the journal Home School Researcher since 1985.
The mission of NHERI is three-fold:

To produce high-quality research on home education

To serve as a clearinghouse of research on home education

To educate the public concerning the findings of all such research
NHERI impacts the world of education worldwide. Primary and secondary school educators, undergraduate and graduate school scholars, education reformers and administrators, and government officials to local board members to parents all are interested in the most current and accurate research findings concerning the resurgence of the home education (homeschooling) of children. Homeschool research is crucial in understanding these students, families, and movement.
By being the leading center for research in home education, NHERI has been able to provide necessary leadership in this crucial arena of the education of future generations.
Homeschooling has exploded around the globe. NHERI has been the leading research think tank exploring this educational phenomenon since 1990. Educators, scholars, policymakers, courts, and parents depend on NHERI for sound and in-depth research by people who have rich understanding of homeschooling. NHERI is known by many, internationally, as the leading center for research in home education.
Government Policymaking
“Whoever has the data controls the policy.” Kay Coles James, Virginia State Cabinetmember
Whether in state or national legislative matters, research data are relied upon heavily by both lobbyists, for the persuasion of legislators, and by legislators, for the promotion of bills.
The work of NHERI in this important arena provides state-specific, national, and international research information to various educational organizations. NHERI also offers more general materials to the citizen public for them to forward to their various state and national representatives.
The Courts
“Ongoing quality home-schooling research is essential for success in both courts and legislatures. Your participation with NHERI is vital.”
Michael Farris, President, Home School Legal Defense Association
The work of NHERI is valued by those engaged in court cases across America regarding the home education of children. The parties involved must have solid, verifiable statistics to present a true picture of home schooling.
Dr. Ray also appears as an expert witness in courtroom and legislative testimony concerning home education issues.
Homeschool Families
“Truly objective quality research will be essential in defending home schoolers from the attack to come.” J. Richard Fugate, Author/Lecturer
Home educators desire that their children receive a superior education. They are willing to shoulder the corresponding responsibility to pursue excellence in their own teaching methods. NHERI provides research insights into the teaching of specific academic disciplines for the ease of teaching and the enhancement of learning.
The work of NHERI in offering print, audio, and video materials in non-technical language is also of great benefit to homeschooling families who give these materials to relatives, friends, officials, or anyone else who may be either concerned about the decision or possibly interested in beginning a homeschool of their own. Solid, verifiable data goes a long way toward informing those who are unfamiliar with home education.
Families with Children in Public and Private Institutional School Settings
Families with children in institutional school settings are concerned about the quality of education that their tax dollars fund. Research showing the common characteristics and methods of successful home education can impact public and private school methodology and assist in the needed educational reform.

Dr. Brian Ray
Dr. Brian Ray holds his Ph.D. in science education from Oregon State University, his M.S. in zoology from Ohio University, and his B.S. in biology from the University of Puget Sound. Dr. Ray has been a middle school and high school classroom teacher in both public and private schools, an undergraduate college professor, and a university professor at the graduate level. He is a leading international expert with regard to homeschool research. Dr. Ray executes and publishes research, speaks to the public, testifies before legislators, and serves as an expert witness in courts.
View Dr. Ray’s Google Scholar Profile
Research Associates
Braden Hoelzle, Ph.D.
Research Department
Frisco Independent School District
Frisco, Texas
Douglas J. Pietersma, Ed.D.
Home School Researcher Journal
Salem, Oregon
AltaMeta Enterprises,
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Carlos Valiente, Ph.D.
Oklahoma State University
Department of Psychology
Stillwater, Oklahoma
NHERI's Worldwide Impact

NHERI has made in-person visits to the following countries. NHERI frequently gives media interviews and has helped scholars and researchers in many other nations.
Czech Republic
South Africa
South Korea