Academic Achievement and Demographic Traits of Homeschool Students: A Nationwide Study, 2010

Feb 2, 2010

Article by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D., posted February 13, 2015

Title: Academic Achievement and Demographic Traits of Homeschool Students: A Nationwide Study, 2010

Description: This nationwide cross-sectional, descriptive study examines the educational history, demographic features, and academic achievement of home-educated students and the basic demographics of their families, and to assess the relationships between the students’ academic achievement and selected student and family variables. Data on 11,739 homeschooling students and their families are analyzed. Students score, on average, at the 84th to 89th percentile on all subtests. Very few independent variables explain much variance in test scores. There is no relationship between the degree of state regulation (control) of homeschooling and student achievement.

Online Availability: view here in an academic, peer-reviewed journal

Cover date: February 02, 2010

Author: Brian D. Ray

For questions about the content of this report, please contact: Brian D. Ray, 503-364-1490,

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