The Harms of Homeschooling? Where Are the Premises?

by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. Context Data-based research has consistently revealed favorable things related to the modern homeschool movement for about 25 years. Theoretical philosophical research, on the other hand, argues conflicting things about home-educating families...

Is There Any Solid Evidence for Expanding Compulsory Age? 

Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. February 20, 2009 LOWERING THE COMPULSORY AGE It is undeniable that definite benefits of lowering the compulsory school age and various early childhood education (ECE) programs for the general public of children are not to be found. That is,...

Strengthening the Ties that Bind

A Provocative Thesis IN THIS MODEST volume, Gary Wyatt focuses on effects of home-schooling that he claims have been neglected in previous research: strengthening of families and socialization of children to resist the norms of dominant culture. Research on why...