Dr. Brian Ray was on the MSNBC show on Sunday. His words might encourage you.

On Sunday (July 12), MSNBC interviewed me on one of their shows. Check it out. The host asks, “What is the biggest mistake that new homeschool parents make?” Brian: “To think that what they’re doing is institutional school at home. That is not what homeschooling is. So, the first step is you need to relax and realize that there are all kinds of advantages to home-based pare let education and you need to take advantage of the advantages. ….. It is so different from what many people experienced in school and it has so many beauties and advantages, you need to expect that.”
“Homeschooling is not easy but the work is worth it.” “… more one-on-on instruction … customization … individualization … without certified teachers …” “… you also want to do a style of teaching and education that fits the parents …” “… parents, you are in charge of your child’s education, so if the at-homeschooling with the public school system is not working or you find your children getting bored … you have the opportunity in the United States of America to choose actual homeschooling … go talk with two or three veteran homeschoolers … with homeschooling, you get to be the driver with the help of your community and you can adapt and change by your child’s needs.” “… [the public school system [ … cannot do what a mom or dad can do with a lot of care and concern and customizing with each child.” “… parents … Don’t’ flip out and get stressed. … Relax; you do not need to re-create institutional school at home and always follow a rigid structured curriculum.”
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