Presenting Researcher Mike Shepherd.
Mike Shepherd, HSR Vol.1 No.3, September 1985
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. contributed 230 entries already.
Presenting Researcher Mike Shepherd.
Mike Shepherd, HSR Vol.1 No.3, September 1985
The writing style of Stephen Arons is attractive and his content is captivating for anyone interested in the philosophy of education as per the United States. In addition, evidential support can be found by pursuing the report which is a result of a grant.
Brian Ray, HSR Vol.1 No.3, September 1985
Presenting Researcher Tom Tehan.
Tom Tehan, HSR Vol.1 No.3, September 1985
John Holt summarizes the three metaphors which govern and dominate organized education in the U.S. The article is “Why Teachers Fail” in The Education Digest, December 1984, p.58-60, which is a condensed version of an article in The Progressive, XLVIII (April 1984), p.32-33.
Brian Ray, HSR Vol.1 No.2, June 1985
Presenting Researcher Jane Van Galen.
Jane Van Galen, HSR Vol.1 No.2, June 1985
There are no “cure-all” programs in the schools today for children with behavior disorders. Some behavior problems may owe their very existence to the fact that there is such a thing as formal education.
Kathleen M. Knez, HSR Vol.1 No.2, June 1985
Presenting Researcher Ellen Moeller.
Ellen Moeller, HSR Vol.1 No.2, June 1985
“I believe Holt’s philosophy as presented in these arguments demands critical attention, not because it is likely to inaugurate a major home schooling movement, but because it represents and serves to popularize an emerging conservatism that, I will argue, has grave educational implications.”
Brian D. Ray, HSR Vol.1 No.1, March 1985
Presenting Researcher Linda Anderson.
Linda Anderson, HSR Vol.1 No.1, March 1985
A Introduction to Home School Researcher.
Brian D. Ray HSR Vol.1 No.1, March 1985
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