by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Jul 17, 2020 | NHERI News
Dr. Brian Ray was on the MSNBC show on Sunday. His words might encourage you. Dr. Brian Ray on MSNBC, July 12, 2020 On Sunday (July 12), MSNBC interviewed me on one of their shows. Check it out. The host asks, “What is the biggest mistake that new homeschool parents...
by admin | Mar 3, 2012 | NHERI News
NHERI Conducting Study on Academic Achievement of African American Students and Educational Choices of Their Parents NHERI would like your help in any or all of three areas: If you are an African American single parent or couple with an African American child between...
by brianemwd | Dec 23, 2008 | NHERI News
U.S. Homeschool Population Size and Growth: CommentsBrian D. Ray, Ph.D.December 23, 2008Many people ask about the size and growth of the homeschool population in the United States. It is difficult to measure and estimate for several reasons. Brian Ray of the National...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Mar 7, 2008 | NHERI News
California Homeschool Court Decision Ignores Research Findings and Constitutions Posted March 7, 2008 One of the most significant recent court rulings on homeschooling, and parental rights in general, was handed down by a California court in late February. The...
by brianemwd | Apr 25, 2006 | NHERI News
On Some Baptists Urging Support of Government-Run Schools (secondary title: On “A Baptist Pastoral Letter Supporting Public Education”) by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. posted April 25, 2006 Some Baptists are urging the support of public schools in a document...
by brianemwd | Feb 28, 2006 | NHERI News
The Information, Research, and Insight onHome Schooling You've Been Waiting For! This book, by Dr. Brian Ray, President of the National Home Education Research Institute, presents his new nationwide study and will give you:Students' academic...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Feb 2, 2006 | NHERI News
IntroductionA new report claims that school-age children who are privately home educated and not registered with state agencies – even if the law does not require such registration – are “missing” and “educationally neglected.” The...