
Comments on “Are Homeschooled Adolescents Less Likely to Use Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs?” by Vaughn et al.

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Learning Style and Academic Achievement in Homeschooled Children Richard G. Medlin

Richard G. Medlin Stetson University, DeLand, Florida, USA,    Abstract The…

Social Skills and Satisfaction with Social Relationships


Social Skills and Satisfaction with Social Relationships in Home-Schooled, Private-Schooled, and Public-Schooled Children

Abstract: Despite the fact that 1.5 to 2.1 million children are home-schooled, there is limited research on the impact of home-schooling on children’s social skills.  This study compares 53 home-schooled, 49 private-schooled, and 48 public-schooled children between the ages of 8 and 12 on social skills, as measured by the Parent and Student Forms of the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS).  In addition, the groups’ satisfaction with social relationships were compared using the Peer Network and Dyadic Loneliness Scale (PNDLS), the Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction Questionnaire (LSDQ), and the Friendship Qualities Scale (FQS).  There were significant differences between the home-schooled children and private-schooled children on the SSRS-Student Form and between home-schooled children and the public-schooled children on the FQS.

Marcia J. McKinley, Jesika N. Asaro, Jamie Bergin, Nicole D’Auria, and Katherine E. Gagnon, Volume 17, Number 3, p. 1-6

An Analysis of Homeschooled and Non-Homeschooled Students’ Performance on an ACT Mathematics Test


The current study does not try to establish any comparison between public school students’ results on ACT and their homeschooled counterparts. Rather the goal was to take homeschooled students and compare their test results to the group of all other students. It is true that the second group results will be largely influenced by public school students’ results. But it is also true that the second group includes students who do not belong to public education (i.e., private schools). Simply put, the goal of this study was to compare homeschooled students to everybody else, with regard to their scores on an ACT mathematics achievement test.

Basil Qaqish, Ph.D., Volume 17, Number 2, p. 1-12

Home School Graduates and Their Mothers Talk About Literacy Instruction


Interviews, face-to-face, high school graduates of homeschooling and their mothers about their literacy experiences to elicit in-depth literacy information in an informal non-threatening way, with the potential of pursuing desired information that might not be reported on a written questionnaire. Addresses many topics such as reading aloud, early memories, decoding, comprehension, favorite books, literature, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, writing, Christian materials, other instructional materials and techniques, Time Spent on Reading and Language Arts, family co-operatives, reading problems, current reading, what would you do differently?, and would you homeschool your own children?

June D. Knafle, Ph.D., and Alice Legenza Wescott, Ph.D., Volume 16, No. 2, 2005, p. 1-12

Social Skills: A Comparison Study


Social Skills of Home Schooled and Conventionally Schooled Children: A Comparison Study 

Addresses the socialization issue regading the home educated through the use of a social-skill measure that examined parents’ perceptions of their children’s social skills. The purpose of this research was to determine whether home-educated children’s social skills differ from those of a paired comparison group of conventionally schooled children.


David J. Francis, Psy.D., and Timothy Z. Keith, Ph.D., Volume 16, No. 1, 2004, p. 15-24