by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Apr 10, 1992 | Volume 08, Issue 2
A COMPARISON OF THE FUNDAMENTAL MOTOR SKILL ABILITIES OF HOME SCHOOL AND CONVENTIONAL SCHOOL CHILDREN 1 Steven D. Smith Ph.D. Dow Center Hope College Holland, Michigan 49423 Jilanne Bannink-Misiewicz Hope College Holland, Michigan 49423 Shelly Bareman Hope College...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Jan 10, 1992 | Volume 08, Issue 1
WHAT HOME EDUCATORS NEED, WANT, AND USE FROM VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS: RESULTS FROM AND ONGOING STUDY IN FOUR WESTERN STATES 1 Brian D. Ray Division of Science and Mathematics Western Baptist College and National Home Education Research Institute 5000 Deer Park Drive,...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Jan 10, 1992 | Volume 08, Issue 1
POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS CHARACTERISTICS OF HOME SCHOOL PARENTS: RESULTS OF AN ONGOING STUDY IN FOUR WESTERN STATES 1 Maralee Mayberry Department of Sociology University of Nevada Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Brian D. Ray Division of Science and Mathematics Western Baptist...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Oct 10, 1991 | Volume 07, Issue 4
Gregory J. Cizek Assistant Professor of Educational Research and Measurement University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio 43606 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, assessment The past two decades have witnessed an amazing proliferation of alternative...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Oct 10, 1991 | Volume 07, Issue 4
Steven W. Kelley Doris Hancock Elementary School 1661 Lindell Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, socialization Every child will undergo social experiences as the price of admission to civilized society (McNeil, 1968)....
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Jul 10, 1991 | Volume 07, Issue 3
Paul Kitchen School of Education Andrews University Berrien Springs, MI 49104 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, socialization. IN THE PAST DECADE, what had begun as a trickle of parents pulling their children out of traditional schools and...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Jul 10, 1991 | Volume 07, Issue 3
Norma S. Hedin Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Ft. Worth, Texas 76122 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, religion, Baptist. A GROWING NUMBER of parents are choosing home schooling over public or private school education (Holt, 1983, p....