by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Jan 10, 2004 | Volume 16, Issue 1
Elaine Huber, Ph.D. 379 Long Road Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545 Homeschooling parents recognize the challenge of teaching their teens to write. Some of these adults have been taught little about writing, feel overwhelmed by the task of choosing...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Oct 10, 2003 | Volume 15, Issue 4
Social Development in Traditionally Schooled and Home Educated Children: A Case for Increased Parental Monitoring and Decreased Peer Dominance Michael S. Brady 4345 West Jefferson Rd. Alma, Michigan 48801 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling,...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Oct 10, 2003 | Volume 15, Issue 4
Elaine Huber, Ph.D. 379 Long Road Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, writing, Pennsylvania For more than a century, the culturally mandated task of teaching American high school students to...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Jul 10, 2003 | Volume 15, Issue 3
Deanna Peterschick Gilmore, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Literacy Education Department of Teaching and Learning Washington State University, Tri-Cities Richland, WA 99352-1671 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, reading. One of the biggest...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Jul 10, 2003 | Volume 15, Issue 3
Charles L. Howell, Ph.D.* Assistant Professor College of Education and Human Services Minnesota State University at Moorhead Moorhead, Minnesota 56563 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, justice, equality. A number of critics of...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Apr 10, 2002 | Volume 15, Issue 2
Susan A. McDowell, Ed.D. P.O. Box 148351 Nashville, Tennessee 37214-8351 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, politics, political. As an educational movement, home schooling continues to experience phenomenal...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Apr 10, 2002 | Volume 15, Issue 2
Jane Grenfell Duffey, Ph.D. Norfolk Christian Schools 255 Thole Street Norfolk, Virginia 23505 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, special needs Home schooling has been an educational practice in the United States since colonial...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Jan 10, 2002 | Volume 15, Issue 1
Home-Schooled Students’ Perceptions of the Transition to Public School: Struggles, Adjustments, and Issues Michael H. Romanowski, Ph.D. Associate Professor Center for Teacher Education Ohio Northern University Ada, Ohio 45810 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling,...
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Oct 10, 2001 | Volume 14, Issue 4
Graham N. Luke Reading University Whiteknights, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 6AJ United Kingdom Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, three E’s How We Home Educate Our modus operandi is to split the children into two groups....
by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. | Oct 10, 2001 | Volume 14, Issue 4
June Hetzel, Ph.D. Michael Long, M.A. Michelle Jackson, M.A. Department of Education Biola University 13800 Biola Ave, La Mirada CA 90639 Keywords: Homeschooling, home schooling, home education, California About two to three percent of the United States’ school-age...